
The event is on 15 & 16 June 2024 in Stratford, East London.

Tickets are free. So they will be popular, and you should get yours as soon as you can.

Ticket availability stops at noon on Monday 10 June 2024 (or sooner if we reach capacity).


You need to be 16+ to attend.

Admission is by ticket only.

Tickets must be pre booked on Eventbrite, and are not available on the day. Adding an RSVP to the MeetUp group is not enough as we need to share the Eventbrite list with the venue.

Tickets are not transferable.

Returns will be accepted and a waiting list will operate on a first come first served basis. Please return your ticket if you discover later that you can’t make it. People on the waiting list will be so grateful!

And ticket holders will need to agree to our Code of Conduct.

What next?

Tickets are available on EventBrite. After you click “Register” please also complete the 3 questions. Dietary requirements will be passed to the venue a few days before the event.

Keep an eye on Twitter and Mastodon for updates.