
Sponsorship Packages

Within the London tech community, comprising thousands of geeks, hackers and developers, we have a reputation for running inspirational events which span education, problem solving, coding, sysadmin, together with a bit of special interest and maker space stuff.

hackathon teams working on projects

A weekend hackathon typically runs all day Saturday and all day Sunday. Attendees organise themselves into teams, which then tackle coding challenges, starting at noon on Saturday, and ending at noon on Sunday.

We’re on the lookout for sponsors. Businesses large and small, who work with software developers, and who can help us with the following:

A venue sponsor (with robust wifi) for approximately 100 people, which allows guests to work all day on Saturday (roughly 0900 – 2200) and all day on Sunday (roughly 0800 – 1800).

Technical sponsors, providing a challenge, possibly involving an API and/or a dataset, a judge (or two) and a prize (or four, one for each team member).

Early discussions are already underway and they are looking promising. A nice variety of players with no commercial conflicts of interest. You can probably guess one of them!

Gold Sponsor £2,500 plus VAT

The Gold sponsors make the event, they get headline billing and they have a major role at the start and the end of the event. They offer challenges, sometimes with an API, sometimes with a dataset, and sometimes with both. Setting out the challenge is the perfect way to engage your users and get them to engage with your brand.

What is your organisation seeking to achieve? How does your community outreach system work? This is an excellent opportunity to connect directly with the right calibre people.

a presenter sets out a challenge - and a panel of judges listen to two presenters explaining their project
Setting out the ChallengeJudging the Presentations

A Gold sponsor also takes part in the judging and the awards ceremonies. Not quite Dragon’s Den style, though that gives you the basic idea. Getting two bites of the cherry. It’s the Gold sponsors that top and tail a hackathon. Is that something that interests your DevRel team?

Silver Sponsors £1,500 plus VAT

Sponsor a meal! The big one to go for is the Saturday night meal, a party? You might want to play that to your advantage, and declare yourself the “Silver Plus” Sponsor by enhancing the standard fare.

a room ladi out with buffet food - and a selection of large plates in close up laden with quiche sandwiches and salads

Or maybe add your name to the Acme Breakfast, or the Road Runner Lunch? Allegedly Napoleon Bonaparte said “an army marches on its stomach”. These hackers code on their stomach!

Bronze Sponsors at community rates

There are always teas, coffees, snacks, and other things (flip charts, Sharpies, Post it notes, lanyards, etc) which need to be covered. We welcome contributions from smaller concerns across the tech community. If you would like to be involved and cannot afford the mainstream sponsorship fees, touch base with us and share your ideas. We’ll label that Bronze sponsorship and give you some publicity.

teams working on their projects sat at computers and at flip charts - deep in thought and discussion


Sponsors will have:

  • their logo and details on our website
  • the logo will feature on posters at the event
  • coverage in the regular mailing list messages
  • a dedicated space for a trade stand
  • tickets for up to 3 staff, according to sponsorship level
  • regular promotion on social media
  • direct contact with an audience of warm leads
  • scope for tailor made engagement activities

In the first instance sponsorship enquiries should be directed to:

Paul Brannigan (aka Proactive Paul)

teams working on their projects with thoughtful expressions on their face