Challenge Bingo & BCLXIII

We’re almost there! Less than a month to go!

BCL Hack 2024 is on 15 and 16 June at UEL in Stratford, East London.


Challenge Bingo is a bit like Eurovision Bingo. During the presentations, listen out for certain key words and phrases. Check them off on your Bingo card (available on Sunday 16 June 2024 at the event) and be ready to call out Bingo and win a prize! There will be an assortment of cheap, trivial and disappointing prizes on offer to all Bingo winners! Proactive Paul is in Japan at the moment sourcing them from the 100 Yen Shop, so they will (at the very least) be rather unique in the UK. At the moment 100 Yen is about 50p. Hence, a good old UK tenner will net quite a few!

Barcamp London XIII

In addition to the summer hackathon, a traditional Barcamp is scheduled for November 2024. It’s a participatory unconference, a single day full of sessions, a formal start, a formal end, and loads of material curated by the attendees on the day. Once again, there will be a Mysterious Mystery Game. No, it won’t be the same one as last time! Yes, it will be collaborative, entertaining and challenging. And yes, there will be prizes!

A black and white image of a mystery box labelled *mystery box*. The top is open revealing a large question mark printed on the inside of the lid. Smoke is rising out of the box (as if a magician was involved). To one side of the box there is a peculiar pattern of white squares on black. These details may or may not be related to the bclxiii Mysterious Mystery Game.

Once we know on which dates the London Academy of Excellence is available (meaning, we’re avoiding football fixtures at White Hart Lane) we’ll be publishing more details about #BCLXIII.

Sponsors make this happen!

In the case of #BCLH24 we are grateful to our sponsors Proactive, dxw, Infobip, Ermi and Jamie+Lion. Without sponsors none of this would happen!

And one more thing . . .

Limited edition stickers like this . . .

a BCLH24 sticker with a picture of Mr Happy saying - Go out and do some good in the world

. . . will be available at the event. If we can run this each year, then year by year, you could end up with quite a collection.

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